Implementing a Laboratory Design & Construction Solution Singapore

When it comes to implementing a laboratory fit-out project, it’s important to consider all aspects of the design and construction process. In this article, we will discuss some of the key considerations that should be taken into account when designing and constructing a laboratory and offer some tips on how to get the most out of your design process.

Identify Your Lab Research Tasks

As you begin to plan your laboratory interior design in Singapore, it is essential to map all the research activities and workflows occurring in each laboratory unit. This will help you to understand user needs and equipment, and support infrastructure required for each laboratory unit.  The following are some key considerations to keep in mind:

– The lab environment must support the research process and allow for flexibility as needs change over time.
– Workflow efficiency is essential to reducing waste and maximizing productivity.
– Laboratory furniture and equipment must be ergonomic and fit the specific needs of your research tasks.
– Support infrastructure such as power, data, and ventilation must be planned for in the early stages of lab design.

Taking the time to carefully consider these factors will help ensure that your lab is designed for optimal productivity and efficiency.

Prepare Your Lab Design Layout

Pre-design planning is essential to a successful project outcome. Creating the layout of the laboratory includes much more than simply arranging where the lab casework will be placed. Safety and workflow optimization is of paramount importance. The layout solution and engineering system design must meet all relevant Singapore Codes & Standards.

Other important considerations include security, collaboration, and the flow of goods in and out of the laboratories. With so many factors to consider, it’s important to work with a professional lab design and construction company in Singapore that can create a custom solution for your needs. This includes an assessment of the space you will occupy, the lab equipment requirements relative to base building infrastructure, and any potential layout or engineering challenges. When this is complete, the lab design company will be in a position to prepare a layout plan that takes all user needs and Code requirements into account. The floor plan will include the placement of lab casework, fume hoods, sinks, and other lab equipment such as safety cabinets, etc.

Types of Lab Designs and Layouts

The layout of your laboratory matters as it dictates workflow efficiency and safety standards. Different types of lab designs are tailored to accommodate specific research needs and operational requirements. 

• Open-Plan Lab Designs

This lab layout features shared bench spaces, common equipment areas and centralized meeting zoned where researches from different disciplines can easily collaborate and communicate. 

• Modular Layouts

Modular lab designs utilise modular furniture and equipment that allows for the easy reconfiguration of lab spaces. This offers flexibility and adaptability to accommodate changing research needs and technologies.

• Zone Layouts

The lab will be organized into distinct zones based on specific functions or research activities. There will be separate areas for sample preparation, experimentation, analysis, and storage. 

• Parallel Layouts

Parallel lab designs feature parallel rows of benches and equipment to maximize the use of space. They facilitate parallel processing and optimizes workflow. 

• Cellular Layouts

The lab will be divided into individual cells or compartments, each dedicated to specific research teams or projects. This offers privacy and autonomy for research groups.

Once the layout plan has been prepared and reviewed with stakeholders and is more or less finalised, the lab design company will also create a 3D rendering of the laboratory spaces. This will help you visualize the final product and make sure that all aspects of the lab layout meet user needs. The entire process of designing and implementing a laboratory layout solution can be complex and time-consuming.

However, working with a professional lab design and construction company will ensure that your laboratory is optimally designed for safety, efficiency, and workflow.

Verify accordance with applicable law and regulation

When implementing a lab interior design and construction solution in Singapore, it is important to ensure that all aspects of the project comply with applicable laws and regulations, and relevant certification standards [depending on the type of lab being built].

There are a variety of laws and regulations that apply to lab design and construction projects in Singapore. The most important ones to be aware of are safety and health regulations, and Fire Code.

Safety and health regulations help to ensure that lab environments are safe for both employees and visitors alike. In Singapore, the Fire code is a very important regulation to be aware of and covers a wide range of topics, including ventilation, travel distance, fire-fighting infrastructure, and chemical storage. By following these regulations, you can help create a lab environment that is safe for everyone involved. Failure to follow Code could result in a Fire Permit being withheld which would prevent the laboratory from operating. Trade waste is another consideration that must be addressed with NEA in the pre-planning stage.

Types of Laboratory casework

Many different types of laboratory casework can be used in a lab setting. The type of casework you choose will depend on the specific needs of your lab. Some common types of laboratory casework include:

Modular casework:

This type of casework is made up of individual modules that can be arranged to create custom configurations. Modular casework is a versatile option that can be used in a variety of lab settings and is normally made of steel with composite chemical and heat-resistant surfaces.

Fixed casework:

Fixed lab casework is permanently installed in a specific location and is not moveable This type of casework can be stainless steel, powdered-coated metal with composite chemical and heat-resistant surfaces, or fabricated using phenolic board.

Specialty casework:

Specialty lab casework is designed for specific lab applications. This type of casework can be used for storage, as a work surface, or to hold lab equipment.

When choosing laboratory casework, it is important to consider the specific needs of your lab. The type of casework you choose should be based on the type of work that will be done in the lab, the space available, and the budget.

Assessing Your Lab Space and Requirements

When planning a lab design, it's crucial to start with a thorough assessment of the space, equipment requirements, and potential layout challenges. Here's what to consider to ensure both efficiency and compliance.

System Requirements:

  • Air Changes: Determine the necessary air changes per hour, balancing safety, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Pressurisation: Assess if pressurisation is required. For instance, exerting negative pressure in chemical labs to contain hazards.
  • Heat Gains: Consider the placement of heat-generating equipment like freezers to prevent overheating issues.

Plumbing and Piping:

Evaluate whether a centralised or point-of-use vacuum system is more suitable for your lab. Point-of-use systems are often more cost-effective, and easier to maintain.

Electrical Requirements:

Measure the power needs based on the specific equipment used in the lab. Ensure that power distribution is efficient and cost-effective.

Ensuring and maintaining safe working conditions

As a professional, you know that even when everything has been installed and is working properly, all systems will require regular maintenance. It is necessary to check whether the fume hoods are still extracting the right volume of air, the safety cabinets are locking properly, all safety showers working, and a lot of other issues. Only careful planning, high-quality furniture, engineering equipment, and always keeping the laboratory in good condition may guarantee safe and comfortable work for your employees and protect the environment.  

When you need to install or upgrade your lab, you should partner with a reliable lab design & construction solution provider that has the experience and expertise to help you every step of the way – from planning and designing to installation and maintenance.

Get The Right Lab With Professional Lab Designers

At Sennex, we have the experience and expertise to provide a fully packaged solution that takes into account all the different elements that go into creating a safe and effective workspace for your research scientists. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and workflow requirements, and we deliver a lab that meets those needs while also exceeding expectations.  

Our team of designers and engineers is well-versed in the latest trends and technologies in lab design and construction, and we’re constantly innovating to create better solutions for our clients. We use the highest quality materials and furniture to ensure that your lab is safe and functional, and our designs are aesthetically pleasing so that your scientists can work in an environment that inspires creativity and collaboration.


When it comes to laboratory design and construction in Singapore, there are many factors to consider to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The type of casework you choose should be based on the specific needs of your lab, and all lab furniture should be of high quality to ensure safety and comfort for employees. Partnering with an experienced lab design & construction solution provider can help you navigate the complexities of lab design and construction, and ensure that your lab is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.  

For more information on how we can help design an optimised and efficient laboratory in Singapore, please call us today at +6327 9489 or email us at